Quick Tips For Using The Tsunami Pump (part # W709)

The Tsunami Pump is the fastest pump that you put over the side of the boat and plug into the cigarette lighter accessory plug to manually fill and empty the fat sacs. It is made to go on and off the Pro X Series Fat Sacs very fast and easy to save time. The clear hose on the Tsunami Pump (W709) allows you to clearly see when the water is flowing good. It also allows you to see if there are any air bubbles, weeds, sand or dirt in it that are slowing the flow or are being pumped into your fatsac. 

Step 1: First put the Tsunami pump over the side of the boat under the water.

Step 2:Then counter twist the end of the hose before sticking it in the quick connect with cap and chain on the top of  the Pro X Series Fat Sac so it twists back and holds itself in the groove.

Step 3: Plug the Tsunami Pump into the cigarette lighter accessory plug.

NOTE: To empty do the same thing except the end of the hose goes over the side of the boat first and the pump goes on the quick connect with cap and chain on top of the Pro X Series Fat Sac. Then... after you plug the Tsunami Pump into the cigarette lighter accessory plug, push the pump down into the Fat Sac to prime the pump.